Sorry I haven't been able to post. the internet at camp was not working Friday. After a day in the car I'm too tired to put much on here tonight either. I will attempt to load more tomorrow if we stop somewhere during the day. If that's not possible it will be tomorrow evening.
Just to give you a little bit of a taste of things, here are a few photos from the Bunny Friends community garden site from Thursday:
and a few from the Rampart Street house on Wednesday & breakfast prep on Thursday morning:
Michelle is clearly in charge!
Christina, one of our fearless leaders
One of our Canadian friends doing battle with a tree stump that grew through a fence
Clearly Joan is ready for lunch
Alycia and Billy
Lawn decoration in front of a house near the river
Top is the date searched, bottoms is # found dead inside, fortunately none here.
pretty trim work
Street names done in tile on sidewalk
Simple, yet effective sign!
Tomas and Dave, hard at work
Breakfast anyone?
Thomas stirring a "cauldron" of ice tea.
Mmmmmm, bacon
Billy is barely awake, but at least he's working.
It's always good to start your day with a smile!