Thursday, November 4, 2010

Demo Divas are at it again!

Our "double team" showed up at the Rampart Street house today ready for whatever the day may hold.  Decisions were immediately made as to who would be under the house, who would mix cement, who would glaze the windows.  Then, what to do with Joan and Julie, hmmm?  Can you say DEMO?  Yes ladies and gents, happier words were never before heard this week.  
So, Bubbles and  QP tackled the 2x4s on the ceiling.  Our tools, pry-bars and hammers.  But, what's that you say Ms. Jones, these boards won't budge?  Well then it must be time for... the Sawzall!  Man do I love that little power tool!  For some reason the boys under the house got a little nervous when I was running it.  Guess it vibrated the place a little bit.  Not to worry, it's still standing.  Once the drop ceiling beams were split, it made taking the boards down much easier.  You'd be amazed how much easier it is to pry boards off a wall/ceiling when you have an 8 foot ladder and the walls are 12 feet high. Ben was nice enough to lend a hand to the "Demo Diva Duo".  He's quite good at moving ladders and catching falling beams.
The team went to Captain Sal's for lunch, excellent po' boys and and plenty big enough to satisfy even the biggest appetite.  We all wanted a nap after lunch, but dutifully went back to the job site.
The afternoon held more of the same and a good time was had by all.  What is it about demo that makes us all laugh and have such a good time?
On the drive home we took a short detour through the "Brad Pitt Housing area".  Some of the houses are pretty fascinating to see.  
Unfortunately, I did not discover until returning to camp that I had left my mondo cool hammer at the job site.  Now this is not just any old hammer, but a most excellent Maize & Blue Michigan hammer.  Our crew being the kind and considerate soles that they are were nice enough to bring it back to camp for me... but they DEFILED IT.  My beautiful well loved/used and handy hammer was covered with an MSU logo, blasphemy! Fortunately it was only held on with masking tape and easily removed.  And just to show what a loving person I am and because nothing can get me down while I am here, I have decided to forgive the person or persons involved in this desecration (Bubbles).  
Tomorrow will, sadly, be our last day of work.  I will never understand how these weeks always seem to fly by so quickly.  We will be fortunate enough to see a house dedication tomorrow afternoon.  It's always a blessing to see the hours of work pay off with well deserving people getting a new home or moving back into their existing home.  It's the whole reason we come, again and again.  All of God's children need and deserve a place to call home.  I am blessed to play a part in the process each and every time I travel to the Gulf Coast.

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