Saturday, April 9, 2011

Down in da Bayou!

In spite of hitting a couple of heavy traffic snarls on our way, Tom & I arrived safely in TN on Friday night.  We had a nice dinner at El Mazatlan North because even though we weren't staying in Cave City, the first night on the road just wouldn't be the same without our favorite Mexican restaurant.

Saturday we got an early start for the bayou and most of the rest of our group left from Michigan. In the flurry of test messages and calls back and forth I quickly realized that my phone had not charged the night before, ARG!  Oh well, these things happen.

Tom and I made a quick stop in New Orleans to see the "Before I die...." project.  The house has been sold as of today and it's future existence is unknown at this time.  It was amazing to see.

From there we headed on down to da bayou to meet up with our friend Diane who is graciously putting us up at the Rec Center in Chauvin for the night.  After dropping off the trailer (which is just full of a bunch of old sleeping bags and misc. suitcases) we headed over to pick up Bubbles who was "running with the bulls".  We were invited to dinner and got to watch some local Native Americans from the Houma tribe do some dancing.  Some of our group even got in on a bit of the action!

In the morning we will see the "blessing of the fleet" as the local shrimpers and other boat owners decorate their ships and have them blessed by the local priest,  We'll also stop by the art festival at the sculpture garden before heading back to NOLA to check in at camp for the week.

Please check back for daily updates through the week.  We welcome your comments at any time!

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